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selves so honored that we
wouldn't have refused for
worlds. Only a few other of
the girls were asked, with
Dr. & Mrs. Fairclough and
Mr. and Mrs. Hodges as
chaperones. Prof. Allardice,
Prof. Campbell, Prof. Kellog
and Prof. Young are the
four bachelor, and the
evening was in honor of a
[illegible] bachelor from San Francisco
and a Mr. Snow who has
just joined the faculty in the botany
department. It was about
the loveliest time I ever had
on the campus. At first
we played cards - hearts -
and later foot-ball with an

empty egg on the dining
room table to be blown
from one goal to the other -
the most laughable thing
in the world to see the
professe[illegible] blowing in the
excited intervals when they
wer not roaring with
laughter. The guest - Mr.
Stadmuller was a fvery
fine looking young man
with very polished manners.
The house was delightful
with its bohemian collections
from all parts of the world
and its great roaring
fires. I tell you it takes
a lot of men to entertain [well?]

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