Untitled Page 485
me realize what poor stuff
we lived on here.
Theodora came back here
with me and went Sunday
afternoon. Sunday morning
Alice Colt and I went to
church and there I saw
Helen Lathrop and Edith
Cullen with Mrs. Gilman.
I went home with them
for dinner and a plum
pudding & Helen drove me
back in the little dog cart
in time to see Theodora
before she went.
Helen & Edith are coming
to stay Wednesday night with
Possibly we will have an
invitation at Miriam's house
next Friday night, & I shall
take my new shirt waist
& skirt down to have Miss
Smead (I think) make up.
The summer things are
so pretty such lovely plaid
linen shirt waists & dresses
& beautiful organdies but
not one so pretty as mine.
Yesterday I had to study
for this art history examination
which passed off easily
this morning - by way of
letting you know what we
have been doing I'll enclose
the questions.
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