Untitled Page 479
ever there has been any, has
not amounted to much and
we have thought it worth
while to formally work to-gether
to work toward this end.
Helen & I talked the fraternity
question over with Dr. Jordon
and we have his strong
encouragement in the
organization, and his
voluntary offering of assisstance
We did this before any
definite step was taken. He
said that he had found
that in any congregation
of people there were bound
to be sets, and that when
they set themselves to working
for some good end it was
better than to be had no
strong bonds and be called
by an undignified name.
Of course I cant go into
detail about our constitution
but no one is eligible
whose work is in any way of
secondary importance &, who
is not of high principle.
There is not half the
red tape and formality
that there is in other fraternities
and not being national
we do not incur the
ever lasting obligations of
national societies. There is to
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