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wants me to go with her which I
am more than tickled to do,
tho' I don't know what she is
going to get. This evening some
of the Sigma Rho Eta boys are
coming over and we are going to
have a little dance. Yesterday
Mrs. Anderson was up on the
quadrangle, she was looking quit[e?]
well I thought, but her mothers
life is only a question of days; she
feels more resigned I think as
her mother looked very philosophically
upon death, which is a great
comfort to MRs. Anderson. Theodora
I think is very well and very busy
full of grey and making plans for
making shirt waists. I was glad
to hear from Mrs. Start. Our week
of rain is over as to-day is a
lovely one. Am so delighted with
the Shelley and the ribbon and
the envellops and the five dollars -

Bye bye

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