Untitled Page 474
came in before we left, and
he told usa bout his writing
the poem that I send you
in the Sequoia, it is a
beautiful thing, and he
wrote it in the dreary little
cabin of a British man o'
war. He said it had been
a dark cloudy day and
just before night, a riff came
in the clouds and sent a
ray of light into his little
cabin, th it fell on the
picture of Mrs. Jordon on
his wall and inspired him
with the poem he wrote a
couple of days after. He said
he thought it was "a good
poem and he guessed he
liked it better than any one
else would." He is so in love
with Mrs. Jordon and she
with him that no wonder
all the world loves such
two lovers. She blushed and
looked so pretty when he
was telling about the poem.
In the evening we met
them again at the Roble
Faculty reception and Dr.
Jordon is such an old
bean when he wants to
be, after he has made the
prettiest kind of a complement
he says "I can't do any
better than that."
To-day Helen and Alice
Colt have gone into the
city to do a little shopping and
to hear [Modjeska?] in Marie
Stuart. Next Saturday Theodora
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