Untitled Page 468
I came home on the four-
thirty train finding Marylyn
Main and also Prof. Allardice.
He is the brilliant Edinbugh
professor in Mathmatics and
exceedingly entertaining. At
the Hall had the happyiness
of finding Mrs. Baker installed
as mistress of the Hall. Dr.
Jordon had told me that
Mrs. Clements was going to go
and then Mrs. Baker would be
our temporary house-mother -
most delightful news and the
dear precious man took such
pleasure in telling it. It is
so good to see him walking
past the hall again, when
I told him how glad I was
to see him, he said in his
dogged monotone "I am glad
you exaggerate the case so",
and I wanted to hug him.
Mrs. Baker is just the kind of re-
fined, helpful, loving, mother-
spirit we need, and I know
she will do the Hall a world
of good; she does not need
the money and will exert
all her Christian efforts to make
it an attractive home. Had
such a pleasent call at the
Jordon's before I went to town -
Mrs. Jordon is looking very
well & pretty & Dr. Jordon is
positively handsome. Yesterday
morning Mrs. Baker, Theodora,
Alice Colt and I spent in
planning and discussing
the possibilities & future of the
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