Untitled Page 466
death just before Christmas - It was the end of
quite a long illness & feebleness. What d[o?]
you think Theodora is doing! She
wants & we must have the $400 paid
Louise as soon as possible and in
order to do so we cannot draw on our
allowance. so Theodora is sending
me $30. out of the $40. she earns each
month. of course when I earn or get
the money I shall repay her, but
think of my sister sending me thro
college! My last letter from her
said she was having a happy time
with her little "tads" coming back. She
is really fond of her work and got
some useful units from Miss Darrah
& the teacher's institute. Oh the [Sohrat?]
& Rusturn paper is not worth sending.
It was written at the end of the
term in a great rush & my main
idea was to get it off my hands.
Helen took more pains with hers,
and if I can persuade her to let
me send it I shall. am going to cal[l?]
on Mrs. Fairclough this afternoon.
Your loving
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