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odd shapes - a trick I picked up
from one of the boys at the Rho
Eta House. This is such a glorious
day - we certainly are having a
Heavenly winter. Last Sunday
Monday I started out to make calls
in Palo Alto in my new suit that
I like immensely. I found Mrs.
Taggart was sick in bed, I suspect
she is on the verge of enlarging her
family. Mrs. Angel, Dr. Angel told
me was in Boston and as he said
had gone shortly after the "opera"
or card party they gave. Mrs. Gilman
- Mrs. Cullen's sister - was not at
home neither was Miss Darrah the
excellent Education teacher. In the
evening Alice Colt and I called
on Dr. & Mrs. Stillman & of all my
hit they were the only ones home.
Tuesday we registered & made out
our programs for this next semester
and Wednesday lectures began again.

We are beginning Hamlet. It is so
far our most difficult & thorough
Shakspere study. I am not going on
with Hudsons class as it make
too many hours and though it
is devoted to Tennyson I think I
can make a study of it my self
some time. Other wise my course is
about the same except that I take
Renaissance Art History under Prof.
Kricker instead of 18th cent. Hist. We
begin with Giotto. The girls feel very
sad at the thought of leaving this
semester and I am happy in the thought
that It is not my last quite yet.

Mrs. Baker our new matron is
lovely she knows so many people
we know - the Cullens & the Lathrops
& knew of Mama thro' some of the
faculty ladies here. Did I tell you
of the lovely call I had on Mrs.
Jordon she enquired about you, &
wished to be most warmly remembered.

Did I tell you about Mr. De[laurater's?]

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