Untitled Page 464
Saturday, Jan. 7 - '97 -
My dearest Nannie, -
My dearest Nannie -
I forgot I called you that once
and absent mindedly have written
it over again but I mean it a
whole page full. Your letter came
just about an hour ago and I
have been grinning over it ever
since and reading part of it about
the pictures to the girls. Helen Younger
has been moving down from the
4th to the 2nd floor so we are
near neighbors. She has been fixing
up her room and I have been
helping her. Her room-mate - Mary
Caldwell a freshman & relative of
Marguerite Statler - has almost as
many pretty things as Helen
has, & there room has assumed
already a very Bohemian & artistic
air, it has been great fun, &
we have fixed pretty studies by
burning the edges into rich brown
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