Untitled Page 462




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so this concert was to help defray
expenses. To-day Mr. Abbott
asked me to go for a walk
back with the hills [but?] as
it is cloudy and damp I
thought we better postpone
so we are going to Palo Alto to
do some errands instead.

Have you read "King [Nanett?]"
by [Steveson?] yet? It is called
the Lorna Doone of America
and promises to be a splendid
historical novel of the time
of Cromwell & Charles and the
settling of Massachusetts and
Virginia colonies. Mr. [Workman?]
lent it to me and I have
just begun it. Did I tell
you he asked me to drive
down to San Mateo some
day to see Theodora? We are

going some [field?] day.

Am so glad you like the
pictures, I was afraid you
wouldn't, but I had them
taken just for you.

Our glee club I think is
finer than the Berkeley Glee
Club a good deal, and has the
additional attraction of a very
good mandolin club. Mr Abbott
has just resigned his leader-
ship of the Glee Club. His voice
is magnificent. To-morrow
Bishop Nichols preaches in
the chapel. I am so anxious
to hear him. I think in the
afternoon I'll go and see
the Andersons.

Bye-the-way, did Mama

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