Untitled Page 454
many old people and so
far away in Menlo.
Oh: the Jordon birthday
party was perfectly lovely.
Dr. Jordon's 46th birthday. He
did look so grand and handsome
and for the first time actually
appeared in a dress suit. He
was a great big courtly gallant.
Mrs. Jordon was very sweet
& pretty in a becoming dark
Washington gown with a
good deal of crimson about it.
Mrs. Stanford was there, Prof.
& Mrs. Anderson, Dr. & Mrs.
[Branner?], Prof. & Mrs. Hudson,
Prof. & Mrs. Murray, Prof. & Mrs.
Smith, Prof & Mrs. Lenox -
the four bachelor profs: mr
Allardice, Kellog Campbell &
Young. Mrs. Baker and a
few of the girls & boys - with
some of the musical people
to play - the Dully family
particularly who have wonderful
talent - two brothers play on
the violion, accompanied by their
sister. I felt wonderfully
honored to have Dr. Stillman
come up to me when I was
talking with Prof Allardice &
one or two others and tell me
MRs. Stanford wished to speak
with me. She was very lovely
& gracious and was very
appreciative of the call we made
In the middle of the evening
Dr. Jordon ushered Mrs.
Stanford into the dining-
room where there were three
immense birthday cakes with
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