Untitled Page 444




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could get a nurse and he
has delivered excellent lectures
at the same time. Thank
you so much for sending the
Shelley I am so sorry I didn't
stipulate sending it C.O.D.
for I fear the expense will be
quite heavy - I am dying for
the letter to come. Am glad
you liked "no. 9" Have no
recollection of any thing extra-
ordinary that has happened
this past week. All the Zeta
boys were over last evening &
we danced. To-day Mrs.
Fairclough had a little
tea for the St. Agnes guild,
we had a very pleasent little
informal time with delicious
sandwiches and cake with our
tea. Mrs. Nicholas was a very deaf,

very sweet faced, quite middle-
aged woman, and Miss
Nichols about sixteen looked quite
like her father, very large & well

Sunday Morning.

It is a rainy, rainy, morning
and I am going to stay home
and "catch up" instead
of going to church. I didn't
go to Theodora's, as they
had measles then besides
its being so stormy, changed
my mind about it last
night when I had a letter
from her.

Have I told you the quit
good fortune that has reached

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