Untitled Page 438



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and is growing warm. Saturday
morning Helen, Marylyn, and I
took the 7.40 train for the city
as Helen & I had shopping to do
and Marylyn was going to see
a friend. I had my new organdie
waist to get & pay for and shoes
(patent leather) also some errands
for Theodora; you see the
conductor forgot to get take
my ticket the last time I
went, which makes the trips
cheap as I was very luck in
being over looked. The New Orleans
French grand opera company
is at the California and that
afternoon were giving Faust. I
had never heard grand opera
nor seen Faust on the stage

so thought, it in spite of Lent,
to be too good an opportunity to lose.
We got the best seats in the
house by having resold ones
presented to us in exchange - the
first row in the gallery. I
never enjoyed anything so much
in my life
; every word of it
was in French but of course
having just been studying it
very carefully I knew every
scene and it was so grand.
I never heard such music.
Of course it is not the finest
company in the world but
the voices were fine and the
parts well interpreted beside
having very good stage setting.
We had a libretto and I am

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