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In the midst of my sentence
one of the girls called for me
to go to a "feed" in her room .-
cocoa & cake & crackers & jelly
I left them [singing?] to finish my
letter. This Lent I am making
the effort to do all those things which
I ought to do rather than going
without. for it seems to me every [thing?]
in this last college year is too valuable
to miss though I don't think I
shall indulge in any very large
function. Bishop Nichol's sermon
was to good a week ago very much
finer than Arch Bishop Weber's last
Sunday. It was a very good
antidote for any such feelings as
some d-d sailor is quoted as expressing
in his pray dying prayer "Oh God
if there be a God, save my soul
if I have a soul." Next week is
vacation which I expect to spend
here doing at my during some
back German and some Chaucer

offered us the carriage to ride to
San Mateo to church in and hear
Arch-bishop Weber. Dr. Bremer
also officiated, but I did not
like the service so much even
if it was in a wonderfully
pretty little church for there was
something affected about it an
air lent by the rather fresh
divinity students who also
assissted. The whole Bremer school
marched in in full uniform and
white gloves, 'though they were
quite overheated by their march
from the school. Theodora and
I slipped out in time to catch
the 12.30 train for Palo Alto
where I found myself in time
for dinner. After dinner
Mrs. Baker wanted th the girls to go
into the paster and meet Dr. &

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