Untitled Page 433



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of our own. Last night your dear
letter came. I am so glad you
are going to have a change.

Speaking of the art questions, Mr.
Vickery sent down an exhibit of
photo [illegible] of the Hermitage
Collection in St. Petersburg - mostly
Van Dykes, Rembrandts, & [Merillios?].
The exhibit was in Roble Parlors
Friday & was very fine with two
of his most f lady like men
to explain things. What fun
the book party was. I am
completely mystified by the
puzzle you sent me as are all
the girls. I have not read
the Servers and think your
idea was so cute for it. Don't
worry about the board - I
only [realize?] it isn't good when
I really have something good to
eat &ct x x x

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