Untitled Page 430



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Mr Chester Thomas was especially rebuked by his frat. brothers for not
going especialy as they wanted
certain of us girls to go, as the thing
boded a failure, so Mr Thomas
said he would take four girls
if they wanted him too, if they -
his frat. brothers - would pay
the expenses. It was agreed
and to-day he asked Helen
and Alice Colt, Jessie Haskel
& I - and to his utter astonish-
ment we said we would
go. It is very lovely of the
boys to be so anxious for us
to go and I have a great deal
of sympathy for boys like him
who stay away because they
can't afford to go; we girls
think it a great lark and
are having great fun mystifying
people by each of our us saying

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