Untitled Page 429
showed Rosenthal how badly
my winter boots had worn
and he begged to send
them to the manufacturer
that he might replace them
or else mend them. I agreed
as I intended having them
patched anyway, and got
me a heavy pair of calf-
skins for three dollars?! Did
you ever heard of such a
bargain! I also bought me
a lovely white petticote for
2.50 very well made &
good material. This was about
all my shopping. Theodora
came back with me and
stayed over till early Monday
morning, she looked very
well and it was as good to see
her. This term has been harder
for her because she has stayed
there so incessantly, but now
she is going to arrange to
have her Saturday afternoons
to go where she pleases.
Thursday evening, Helen,
Miriam, Mary Caldwell and
I called at the Powers and
had a jolly time. Oh I must
tell you such a funny thing
we girls are going to do.
Next Friday evening is the
Sophmore [Cotilion?], and
very few of the boys have
asked girls to go. At the
Zeta House one of the boys -
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