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her in the midst of her flock
keeping demerit hour. She looked
too pretty for anything in her
new black taffeta shirt waist
& was surprised out of her wits
to see me as she didn't expect
me till Sunday. We are
enthusiastic about taking
summer school work at
Pacific Grove - so many are
going down and we can do
it enthusiasticaly ecomically taking
botany & possibly entomology.
Kitty & Jessie Haskell with
possibly their older sister Florence
Mrs Beedy, Ida [Wehner?] & her
mother, Gertrude Payne, Lolie
and I are the possible party.

I came back Sunday evening

after having been at the service
in the morning - it is such
a pretty one - all boys uniformed
& gloved.

Kitty Haskell and I are
enthusiastic about teaching.
You see we take our degrees,
or rather finish our work,
Christmas so our experience
begins at the same time. Dear
Miss Darrah has asked us
down to her house to talk
schools with us - she is so
lovely - one of the brightest
women and an educational
leader, she offered to write any
letters I might need - which
will mean a great deal to me

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