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to spend Easter with me so can
bring the things down then. She
will be tickled to death and I
am so glad you sent the box
to her. 'cause it will be so jolly
for her to get it. Of all things
I wanted it was a petticote - did
I write you so or did you
just know it? - I was most out
of them than anything. I hope
the Mississippi floods have
subided for I can hardly wait.
Your letter was so interesting
about being in New York. What
a shame you missed Mrs Bliss
and probably you have seen her by
this time. I know Cathering Adams -
the sister of the one who went
with [Magie?] Scott but never
met Evangeline - doesn't it seem

funny to think of going to
Brazil just to sing! Yes Theodora
got the National Cloaks Co.'s
Catalogue & we both liked the
suits ever so much. I shall
look up no. 211. Yes indeed isn't
Maggie Scott magnificent? What a
shame you should have been ill
but it is a blessing you had
good weather to be sick in.

Summer has come here - it is
a perfectly darling day the
air is so soft and caressing
& the birds and the poppies
look so happy. I was so
amused at what you said
about Waldo Williams. He is
in the university now - When
we had the last Shakspere
examination that was such a

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