Untitled Page 402



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Last night was the night of the
Gleen Club concert in the chapel
I believe I told you Mr. Pitcher
called & asked me to go but I
was glad I didn't, for yesterday
I accepted an invitation as
substitute for Kittie Haskell to go to
a little Welsh rarebit party at
Mr. Nash's bachelor quarters in
Encina. He is the Librarian now
& was the Stanford's private secretary.
Mr. & mrs Hodges - the architect &
his wife - Marylynn & Kittie
were invited but Kittie had a tooth
ache & put a porous plaster on the
outside of her face & let it stay too
long so has been wretched ever
since & could not go last night.
So I went in her place although
I know the Hodges very slightly
& had never met Mr. Nash, but
we had such a jolly time. he

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