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fustoons of roses & the white blurred
ribbon I kept too - also the longest
petticoat - So you see I came off
with very much the lions share
especially as the shirt waists are
all too small for Theodora - & are
just right for me exept very long
waisted which makes no difference.
A week ago to day Gertrude came
and I have had a lovely week
with her - a great many pleasent
things came up for her to do
which she will tell you about, no
doubt. Dr. & Mrs. Jordon & Edith
dined at Roble the night after
she came & Mrs. Baker asked
Gertrude & me to sit at the same
table with them 'though only
graduates were supposed to be there.
After dinner Dr. Jordon told the

the girls the story of the university
and it certainly is a pathetic
history when one considers its
brilliant beginning & the clouds that
so soon fell upon it, but [illegible]
all the greatest crisis are past &
thanks to the wonderful self-sacra
fices of mrs. Stanford & the [char?]
headed [illegible] of Dr. Jordon all will
be & is well.

Friday, Prof. Anderson asked
Gertrude & me to luncheon - an
invitation which we accepted in
spite of its being Good Friday.
Mr. & Mrs. Anderson we Washburn
were there & it was the pleasantest
thing imaginable. Prof. Anderson
is lovely in his own home &
Mrs. Anderson appeared so bright

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