Untitled Page 397
then hot chocalate & whpped cream
with cake, then & sliced oranges
then bananas & candy - Wasn't
that swell? Helen Alice & Miriam
stayed home from the drive
to fix things for it - It was very
prettily served - the table looking
very pretty in its white cloth &
[illegible] blossoms in sprays & in
[illegible] for decoration. It was in
Marylyn's room. Saturday was
intercolligiate foot bal field day &
debate. Nearly the whole university
went down & as the fare was
reduced I took the opportunity to
go and get a hat. Theodora met
me at noon. With her help I
got a beauty at Coughlan's. I had
picked out one for $8. not very
pretty. Theodora didn't like
at all and selected a $12 or $15
one and got it for $10. It is
very soft green satin straw with
quantities of beautiful La [Franc?]
roses all over the brim with
black wings & white bird of paradise
plumes on one side & a to white
rosette. It goes exquisitly with
my pink organdie and is so
pretty with all my things -
especially light dresses. I got me
a pair of white best gloves
& that was all - but succeeded
in getting very tired & was very
willing to come home on the
6.30 train. Theodora came home
with me & we had a jolly
time concocting a little supper in
our room out of the remains of
the feast a weak ago - boiled egg
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