Untitled Page 395




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Friday afternoons - there came a
bunch & Helen Lathrop appeared
much to my astonishment. She
& Edith Cullen were down for a
little visit at Mrs. Gilman's. Helen
had come for me to go for a ride
with her, Edith, & a [Mrs?] Dully.
Of course I went & had such
a lovely time through beautiful
country till we reached the
bay. We passed a wonderful
hedge of white hawthorns &
gathered enough to fill the carriage.
We also stopped at Sherwood Hall &
Mr. Dully invested in roses & carnations
for each of us. Helen slipped into my
hand a dear little volume of Max
Mullers Memories from Foreign Lands.
To day I went to church & accepted
Mrs. Gilman's invitation to go home
with the girls to dinner - & such a
good dinner as it was! After dinner
I met Kittie Haskell & we went to call

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