Untitled Page 387




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I have been reading Mama's letters
too - was so amused at those I
wrote too when I was housekeeper
while Mama & you were east
it all brought back those Washburn
days ages ago.

This afternoon Helen, Miriam, &
I went to Prof. Anderson's & had
such a good time. The funny
part of it was we stayed so
long - It was half past six
before we started to go home & then we thought
the watch must be wrong. We
were so interested talking & looking
at pictures that it never occurred
to any of us that it was getting
late. Prof. A. showed us a hort
cut home - cross fields & [fences?] &
a stream with Robert as a guide.

We met several fierce dogs
that Helen was veyr much afraid
of, then in climbing a fence -
an acomplishment I have never
mastered - I of course got
stuck, & my major prof. had to
come running back to help me over.
Before we reached home we had
done every thing funny even
to falling down in the waist-high
grass. Through the hired generosity
of the head waiter we managed
to get quite a good dinner.

Next year Miss Gardener is to
have charge of the dining room
& kitchen & great changes are hoped
for especially in the furnishings
of the dining room & the goodness
of the food. The board & room rent

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