Untitled Page 382



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Allardice gave a little dinner party
just before inviting two Miss Risings -
daughters of Prof. Rising of Berkeley -
who were visiting the university -
Grace Barstow - a Mr. Stadtmiller
from S. F. Mrs. Myrick for [chaperone?]
& myself. It was the most charming
dinner I was ever at - deliciously
cooked & so daintily served with
prof Young pouring the coffee
or passing the champagne & Prof.
Allardice carving the roast.
It certainly takes men to entertain
beautifully. I felt very honored to
have my first & last promenade
with Prof. Allardice & to have him
escort me home. In your last
letter you asked about Mr. Pomeroy -
he was assisstant professor in the
last year but is now practising in

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