Untitled Page 373




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to tell you about the facult Jordon
reception to the seniors - a
number of upper classmen
helped serve - Marylyn, Kitti,
and I [illegible] the number
and it was great fun - every
one was there from far and
near. I had such a pleasent
visit with the Breners who
came down from San Mateo
and Mrs. Stanford was very
cordial - she has always re-
membered the call we girls
made & appreciated it so much.
The music was beautiful -
a S.F. orchestra & Mrs. Jordon
looked very pretty in a new
black-brown & red gown.
Of course, the faculty senior
base-ball game was great fun

and the faculty were beaten by
about 20 to 20 - The seniors all
came on the field on a Chinese Trot and
dressed in Chinese clothes
with long [illegible] hanging down
their backs. The faculty has a
beautiful new base-ball ground
but it doesn't seem to improve
their playing. Yesterday after-
noon I spent in getting [clean?] -
Gertrude shampooed my hair
& manicured my nails and
in the evening I had such a
good bath - Miriam came in
a little hilw after dinner
with a cardinal neck-tie on,
and it received a good to see
a Stanford person even if
it is only three days since I

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