Untitled Page 371



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dividing Auntie Sue's time with
Miriam who was alone while her
father & mother were away. Ever
since I came here I have been
busy arranging my room and
it is lovely. Mary Caldwell, my
room-mate, came Friday. Helen
Lathrop is here in the Hall and
there is such a lovely class of
Freshmen girls. The dining-room
is wonderfully dainty and pretty all
refurnished as to dishes and glass-
ware spoons & linen, with such
good things to eat, to-day we had
cream & oyster soup, chicken & real
rasp berry jelly with a dessert of ice
cream. So you see we had nothing
to complain of except that my
time is so short & that all this
didn't come sooner. I had a lovely
long talk with Prof. Anderson the

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