Untitled Page 369
my courner room so pretty. Auntie
Sue seemed well & was very much
improved after her trip camping at
Capitola. Mrs. Gates asked me to
luncheon with her and I enjoyed
it so much, she sent a great deal
of love to you as did Auntie Sue
& Auntie Carrier & Mrs. Start & especially
Mrs. Schneider who loves you very
much, like everybody else. Gertrude and
I went out to the cemetary taking
quantities of [illegible] - pale pink & lavender
ones - that Auntie Carrie gave
me and making Mamas resting
place beautiful with them, with
roses & other flowers on Papa's &
Grandma's & the other two places; -
it was so peaceful & full of rest there
where it didn't matter whether the
house were rented or not & nobody
had to teach school. Every one is so
cordial & it seems so good to see
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