Untitled Page 366
every body, though Helen & Miriam
& Alice Colt I miss dreadfully. I
saw Gilbert & enjoyed the dear boy
so much he took me out driving
& played whist frequently while I was
at Mrs. Schneiders. I have mis layeid
your last long letter & know that
there were ever so many things in
it to answer that I probably am
not thinking of. I am glad you
are having a free & happy time
for a while in Caznovia &it hope that
you will enjoy it to the utmost. The
house isn't rent yet but I hope that
it will be soon. Gertrude seemed
quite rested after her vacation. I am
feeling so well & am as [brown?] as a
[berry?] yet; have not seen many
of the faculty people yet, except Dr. Jordon
who was showing a friend over the
Hall & came to look at my room - I am
going to mark with chalk the place where
[page turned]
he stood, bless him - Yours Toodles.
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