Untitled Page 360




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and so Lolie has the prospect of
a glorious old time cycling -
She is very well, and happy as
a king, with a raise of salary
and high praise. Next Saturday
Nt a number of the girls and
I are going down to the city -
I need scarcely anything this
winter - just shoes and a
quadrangle hat - with an
errand or two for Theodora
so expect to have time to
accept Mr. & Miss. [Sunn's?] in-
vitation for the theater in the
afternoon. Marguerite [Statler?]

[page turned]
is in the city and I am going to spend Sunday
with her and Sunday night with Lolie. Howard
Veeder is coming down to the university before long
to visit Fred Scheneider. Oh you will be interested
to know that I had the best paper in English History
a couple of weeks ago, that was read before the
class and complimented for its English! I am
worried to death because I heard you will be [illegible] -
if I onlly could plaster this letter with special
delivery stamps - I never never never will be so

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