Untitled Page 357
assistant professors in entemology,
so all of the bachelor profs
with Mr & Mrs. Hudson and
Mr. & Mrs. Pierce make thing
very lively over here at Roble
and at their homes. So you
see that that, to-gether with
two seminary courses, and
two history courses, geology, and
evoltuion had kept me more
than busy. I have 18th century
afl poetry in Prf. Hudson's
seminary Tuesday afternoons,
and the history of old English
& Anglo Saxon literature in Dr.
[Hugel's?] summary (a course
especially adapted to teachers)
then the elementary, one term,
geology course, and the history
of England since 1485 and
England in Tudor and Stuart
reigns. I love my course,
but I have had all kinds of
sieges of being blue and wanting
to do impossible things. The boy
seem to be making a special
effort for been to be polite, to
make up for the end of last
semester I suppose. This
afternoon Kittie Haskell, Edith
[Sunn?] and I spent a few
hours over at Mrs. Dunnes with
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