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[written] 1

[printed] Stanford University

[written] Nov. 27- '99 Sunday Night.

My dearest Nannie. -

Am just home from
my "Thanksgiving jag" as the foot ball
song goes and such a good time I
never did have before! In the morning
of Thanksgiving day Edith [Snow?], Kittie
Haskell, Mr. & Mrs. Pierce (pronounced
Purse) Prof. Allardice, Prof. Young,
Prof. Campbell & mr. [Sum?] took the
Special for the city. the coaches
were all bedecked with red bunting
and after the engine had tooted
the Stanford yell the fourteen cars
set off. When we reached the city
I found Theodora awaiting for the
me, and when the regular [Flyer?] came
in we met Helen looking more like
a queen than ever. Mr. & Miss [Sum?]
[Helen?] Tedora and I took luncheon
at the University club and then
proceeded to the game. We had seats

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