Untitled Page 354
in the yelling section which was
the most loyal Stanford place. It was
certainly a "red" day and the poor
Berkeley men could scarcely keep
their feet before our [illegible] line.
The brilliant colouring of the cardinal
mingling with the blue and gold
markes a never to be forgotten scene,
with trumpeting, [striking?], and
waving of ribbons and flags. No
one was hurt and the scene quickly
mounted up though the U. C. men
did well and they had one
good player & runner. Our team
is the heaviest of any of the
universitiies in the East, and
Brook, our coach, was sure that
it could have defeated Cornell this
year. After the game Helen, [illegible],
Mary Brunton, Fred Haskell, and I
had dinner at the Palace [illegible]
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