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had to see Mr. [Lorley?]. I found Mr.
Young at breakfast, and accepted
an invitation from him to go [thru?]
china town with Mr. & Mrs [Sunn?]
& Mrs. Myrick & Mr. & Mrs Pierce.
It was such fun to go [thru?] all
the merchants shops, and finally
up stairs to a swell resturant. Tea
was served in a long hall way
oriental in its black ebony, settees
& [taberets?]. The tables were large &
round with tea set for the
party & pickled fruits - oranges
& plums, ginger and chinese
salted almonds that were delicious
The tea was the best I ever had.
Mr. & Miss [Sunn?] came home
with us to dinner and afterward
we went to the theatre to see the
"Geisha" - a new Japanese opera

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