Untitled Page 343
I woke up with a disappointed feeling
and a [illegible] that I were not so old
that I could not be surprised any
more and then I sneaked down to
the bath room to open my box by
myself - when what do you suppose
I found! A most lovely pearl
cresent pin - and a tiny little
pearl finger ring - just what I had
longed for and always thought of as
so far out of the range of the possible
just imagine! I havent squealed
so since I used to hang up my
stocking. I tore in to Kittie's room
to display my pleasure, and I think
I never in all my life was so pleased,
and I always shall be pleased
anew whenever I see it and wear it -
wasn't Lolie an angel? I am
going to forward her little birthday
note just to show you how dear
she was. The day was one of surprises -
for later a box came from Mrs.
Younger, Helen's mother, with two
beautiful birthday cakes - beautifully
decorated with glaze cherries and
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