Untitled Page 342
[typed] Stanford University
[written] fruits. and oh! they were so good.
a silver [illegible] crust came from
Louise, and a promise of the
money for a purse from Gertrude -
with ever so many dear letters
from the girls that happened to come
in that day. So you see my
cup was running over full and I
was filled with a desire to be as good
as I ought to be with such precious
beautiful relatives. Yesterday evening
was the faculty reception's given by
Roble, and Kit and I had a [illegible]
time with the Bachelors and Mr. &
Mrs. Peirce. This afternoon Kit,
Marylyn and I attended the Peirce's
usual Sunday gathering and had
such a good time. Professor's [Allardice?],
[Sum?], Campbell, Young, [Dunnway?],
and Dudley were all there. We wrote
a composite letter of a line a piece
to Mr. Allardice's supposed fiance -
in which all of his idiocincracies
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