Untitled Page 334



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[printed] Stanford University, California.

[written] My dearest Nannie, -

This paper isn't telling the truth
for I am writing at Mrs Myricks 2345 Broadway
on the day after Christmas, but this is all the paper
I have with me & it is my last piece. I am so
sorry that I didn't get a line to reach you on
Xmas day as you did me. but Nannie - I
never in all my life went thro' such a cyclone
of daily examinations & papers in my life,
some of them lasting two and three or three
& half hours. But they are all over now and I
think all passed; with the best one & the best
mark in a general review of English literature
under Dr. Hugel & Prof. Anderson. The first tim
that such an examination has been given
in the Eng. department, so I shall feel especially
stuck up over my degree. They are not granted
however till January 14th. There were several

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