Untitled Page 333
and is going to see [illegible]
a very good seamstress will make them
for, as I simply must have them, and
it is impossible to do any such thing
myself here. We are looking forward to
keeping house this vacation, and then
the sewing I am going to do! Without
buying a single new thing but using the
materials we have. Last week we mailed
a transperancy, hoping it would be
a reminder of the dear old quadrangle,
and I do hope it will reach you safely
and in time; we have not been able to
get a frame for it in San Francisco, some
one suggested a ribbon frame as a substitute
but did not know how you would like it.
I think I could write to my Nannie,
all night, but the lights are going out
they are gone!
Bye bye till [evening?] -
Toodles -
[page turned upside down]
Your new waist is so
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