Untitled Page 332
evening is the Junior promenade which
your niece is to lead with Mr. Heune
- think of it, and in my same
little organdy that Hudson brought from
the Islands. There is to be a very fine
edition of the Sequoia - the Stanford
weekly, for which I have been asked to
contribute a best effort, and for the
illustration for its center picture I am
to pose. I am surprised at their request
as I have never written anything that
anybody ever heard of. As for the pose
the face is not [knowable?] when
published, so I don't mind.
My shirt waists have quite un-
expectedly failed me, and I find I
have but three to finish the term with
the winter has been so warm, that
I have worn shirt waists entirely.
Theodora has given me her three lovely
pieces - two pink ones & one blue one
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