Untitled Page 330
March 24 - '96
Roble Hall -
My dearest Nannie -
Your letter came to-night
and I simply can't go to bed before I write
you even though it be my theme paper.
You poor dear Nannie, I am so sorry we
have been so bad about writing, there is no
excuse for such naughtiness, and I am
resolved never to do so again. We are having
our weeks vacation now. Theodora [has?]
gone to San Jose for a day or two to see
about affairs there, and I have decided
to stay here, as I had my vacation a
while ago, and have not been doing my
heavy work all term. I shall probably go
down to Mrs. Myricks for a change before
the week is up. I find this a gay
place in vacation time. There have
been two dances already, and tennis
to-morrow. The first - the dear [dimity?] has
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