Untitled Page 329
[written] Easter/
[typed] Stanford University, Cal. [written] April 4 [typed] 189 [written] 6
My dearest Nannie -
We are certainly
"[fandin villarin?]", but I thought Theodora
wrote last week and it seems
she didn't. This has been a cloudy
April Easter, but we had such
a beautiful service over at Palo
Alto. Thoroughly simple and un-
ostentatious, very different from
Dr. Wakefield's wild Easter man-
ouvers. A very large congregation
heard a very excellent sermon.
Then was very good violin
music by one of the boys -
Mr. Brunton, who is just
bubbling over with music and
is going to play for me some-
time soon. So many of the boys
go to Mr. Peets church, it is strange
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