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[typed] Stanford University, Cal. 189

violent, and believing himself a
millionaire all the time. He got
away from them twice on the
trip but did no damage and
was found again - once at
night on board the boat when
he was trying to get into the
in his night clothes
different state-rooms to get oranges,
Fred g he ate 1 1/2 doz. when Fred found him.
and once at Stockton as soon
as the boat landed he went up
into the town, and was found
treating a lot of men to five cents
worth of prunes and showing them
with great pride a little pen knife
Fred had given him. It was
very nice of Fred to go to so
much trouble and he undoubtedly
got him more comfortably settled
than Dan Hanks g could.

Now I must write to Marguerite

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