Untitled Page 302
are going to leave everything,
Monday noon as clean as
possible without taking up
the carpets. As far as we can
tell yet they have been very
good tenants. Packing was a
diabolical business, with all
the things we had. The books
and every thing that I shall
need next year we stored in
the dress-box and left in the
room. The rest went into the
three trunks and two telescopes
and Charles is going to drive
down to get them & bring them
up to the house as soon as
we want them. The book-
shelves, tea-table, screen, reading-
stand etc, we locked up in
one of the closets that was
put at our disposal for the sermon
Mr. [Heune?] presented me with
a flourishing house-palm that
we brought up with us to make
the house look pretty. We are
resting in these transition's days -
Theodora putting on a binding to
her every day skirt, and I writing
up the letters I owe. Last evening
Miss McKinnon drove up with
dear old Punch and the
phaeton with a fresh coat of paint
Just imagin it! Did you ever
hear of such a generous noble
woman. It is her way of paying
for the use of Punch and the
buggy; Of course we shall have
him and the phaeton as good as
new, through the summer, though
we haven't quite planned yet
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