Untitled Page 301



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how we shall keep him. This morn-
ing we drove around and engaged
Mrs. Gay to come and wash all
our heaps of soiled clothes that we
brought up from Stanford. next
Tuesday. Mrs. [Mann?] has moved
into a pretty flat on N. First street,
but has been very ill, though is
better now, I believe. After dinner
I am going down to inquire about
her. This morning we got quantities
of exquisite pink sweet peas and
pale lavender ones. from Gertrude's
memorial exercises at school, and
took them out to the cemetary,
making it look more beautiful
than I ever saw it. Mama's & Papa's
places we put great bouquets &
crosses of the pink, and Grandma's
& the children's of the lavender.
We came home rested & at peace
with all mankind, and with

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