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beautiful time with Prof. & Mrs. Ander-
son, & cribbing ice-cream for the
girls that didn't have the luck
I had. Mrs. Anderson looked prettier
and better than I ever saw her before.
I called little Robert in & stuffed
him with ice-cream & cake. In the
evening Miriam Maclaren and I
called at Prof. & Mrs. Powers and
we had a most delightful, inspiring
time. Saturday morning was the
faculty-senior base ball game. Mrs.
Myrick came down for it, and
Mr. Brunton came over for me to
go; he is the champion track
athlete, [illegible] & geologist of the
university. In the afternoon, I
saw Tom who has failed to
take his degree. He is very crushed,
& down on Prof. Anderson, but he
makes me very tired; he doesn't
deserve his degree in the
university half as much as if it

were offered in a course of society
life. I feel much more sorry for
Dr. & Mrs. McGraw, though I fancy
I am is much like his mother. In
the evening their was a little in-
formal dance at Roblem, that as
usual stopped at 10.30 owing to
the going out of the lights.
Sunday morning, I didn't go to
the baccalaureate service, but to
the dear little chapel instead; Mr.
Abbott went with me, which was
a great pleasure as he sings most
beautifully. Monday morning was
the Senior Farce, to which I
went with Mr. Abbott as he was
my partner for the Senior Ball &
it is customery to go to both
with the same person. The farce
was excellent - Old John had a
part which he did well as he had
to show off Encina to a tourist.

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