Untitled Page 298



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he told some of his exagerations &
brought down the house, & was
encored so much he came back
& made a speech. In the after-
noon I slept, and in the evening
went to the ball - I wore my
same little dress with pink
roses tucked in the violets & carrying
pink roses. I had the best time
I ever had in my life, for it was
a beautiful party. It was in the
Encina dining room, with the
lobby for a refreshment room, and
the long stone veranda for a
promenade. Tuesday, Mr. Work-
man asked me to go with him
and his sister to the alumni lunch.
It was an endlessly pokey affair, as
the waiters went on a strike and
we had to wait till they came back;
but I enjoyed the honor of being in
such distinguished company. In the

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