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were excellent, to the point and
wonderfully inspiring and noble;
he always does say just the right
thing. In the afternoon I made
a little call on Mrs. Maitland
& Mrs. Dunn; both inquired about
you, and at Mrs. Dunn's I tried
to see if satisfactory arrangements
could be made to stay there next
year, but found that they could
not. The whol Hall is going to be
under different management next year
& Miss Thompson is not going to be
there - a friend of Mrs. Stanfords is
to be put in her place. Her salary is
considered too large, and as it is
partially paid for by the girls, Mrs. S.
wishes it cut down. The girls and
Miss Thompson are both sorry. In the
evening there was a wind-up dance
given at the Hall, but I thought I

didn't care to go but my evening was
engaged by a call from Mr. Abbott
so I didn't accomplish much
packing till Thursday, when we
did about all of it and got off
on the 5.20 train. Mr. Hume
presented me with three flourishing
house-palms, one of which I brought home
with me the other one I left in
charge of [Lu. Brins?] who will be
there this summer. This evening I
went down to see Laura and enquire
about her mother. Laura looks tired
but Mrs. Mann is a little better. L.
missed all commencement fun. The
year has been a very happy one, but
I look forward to another year more
systematic in every respect and es-
pecially in writing to my dear
Nannie, for that is my most sacred
& loving duty. I feel quite sure that

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