Untitled Page 293
collars, I thank you a thousand
times over for the skirt waist pattern
it fits me beautifully and this
week Theodora and Louise have
made me two beauties out of the
pink dotted and blue striped
stuff Theodora bought some time
ago. The Kerr's thread has been an
equal blessing - I should speak in
the past, present and future tense,
the past referring to this last week.
Mrs. Brown, the dress maker has been
here one day - Thursday. She was
ill the first part of the week and
Friday & Saturday Miss McKinnon
wanted her as she has decided
to spend her summer east and
is going to start to-morrow I
believe, &said needed Mrs. B. to get her
ready. Mrs. B. got my blue flowered
waist almost done and with
Theodora's excellent help almost
finished the rough & ready skirt
I told you of. There proved to be
enough material & I know I shall
like it hugely as it will be light
will not show spots & will be very
stylish as such rough goods are
going to be the proper winter
suiting. She cut out the lining
for my pink crepe waist from
which I have gotten a very good
waist pattern. Am actually going
to let her plan that waist as I
haven't any very good ideas
for it & she has. That is about
all she is going to make for me
The petticoat question for winter wear
has settled itself as I told you in
my last letter, but I was dis-
appointed to find, after I had
put on such a pretty trimming
to my black silk petticoat, that
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