Untitled Page 291



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the gloves you sent several times I
find them just what I want, I
took the 6 3/4 size and 'though they are
loose now they will wash all the
better. Now we will drop the clothes
subject for a while Oh! Yes - I am
retrieving my navy blue Coughlin
hat with the asters Mama had
on her little black lace bonnet &
blue quills - very stylish & pretty and
I am getting so advanced in the
milliners art as to contemplate sewing
it as I find the use of pins con-
ducive to much loss of plumage
pin feathers not being so very
secure (rather flighty in fact)!
Have just tried on the paper collar &
finds that it is just the right
size - but are you sure you can
spare it I mean the skirtst waist for I shall have three
without it. Your blue sample is

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