Untitled Page 290
You make my fingers itch to try
and write some thing and I am
ever so much obliged for your critic-
ism, it is just what I want.
But I think I have immense
conceit to ever think of writing any
thing and I fairly hate myself
for such audacity. Havent nearly
finished the Newcomes yet as I
simply don't find time; we go to
bed very early & get up early - when
we wake up, & the evening is my
only chance to read. Have not
quite finished "The Diamond
Necklace" yet - was very glad to
come across it as I was very misty
about that incident of the Dr. Rev.
Is Carlyle partisen in his treat-
ment of it? Even if he is I gather
a very clear idea of the affair from
his striking account. He makes you
understand a thing as if you were
an actual observer of such a case
speculating, moralizing & framing
your own opinions as you look,
or do I cheat myself, are they
his opinions he so subtily makes
your own? As soon as I finish
the Newcomes, I am going to
read Pendemis - your copy that
Gertrude has lent me. My im-
pression of Erasmus you have
revived, as my only acquaintance
with him was in the Education I
course a year ago where I met
him as a Humanist educational
leader. I shall hope to read the
Harper's story as soon as I get back
to college where there are magazines.
What a pity you are having such
uncomfortable weather - the days
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